2010 Carnival
The 2010 junior and senior fell races
Unfortunately we don’t have any fell race pictures from this year (unless you have some that you could supply?).
Carnival Queen 2010
The Carnival Queen for 2010 was Kerenza Baker. Her attendants were:
- Layla Brown
- Mathilda Brown
- Eleanor Godfrey
- Alexandra Hill
- Olivia Winter
- Emma Wood Doyle
Scarecrow competition 2010
The winners of the 2010 scarecrow competition – drawn through public votes! – were:
- 3 blind mice (the Lears)
- Dr. Foster (the Raysons)
- There was an old woman who lived in a shoe (the Harbuts)
Tug-of-war 2010
The winners of the 2010 tug-of-war were:
- The A Team (Grey Mare)
- The Tuggers (George & Dragon)
- The Village Idiots
Photos of 2010 carnival
Here are some other memories of Charlesworth Carnival 2010!